Welcome to the Center for Public Policy Analysis (CPPA) Website.

U.S. Capitol, US Congress,Washington, DC (Photo courtesy David Iliff,license CC-Creative Commons). |
The general public and policymakers, including those in Washington, D.C. and internationally, continue to need to have
access to in-depth research and analysis of information regarding key issues, including many that are often overlooked, especially
from a fresh, innovative and time-sensitive perspective. Founded over 20 years ago in the nation's
capital, the Center for Public Policy Analysis (CPPA or Centre for Public Policy Analysis) brings important new ideas and
experience to the public affairs arena. Established in Washington, D.C. in 1988, we at the CPPA
care about, and are working on, breaking public policy issues of local, national and international concern. We continue to
research and analyze issues from perspectives that are often overlooked. Our research, analysis
and ideas continue to make a difference and assist in finding solutions for critical problems. We help educate the general
public and policymakers and help shape and change public policy direction locally, regionally and nationally in Washington,
D.C. and in key regions internationally. We at the CPPA also seek to let other people know
about how they can join in and make all of our lives better.
Since 1988, the CPPA has provided field research on foreign policy issues ranging from Afghanistan to Laos,
to Eastern Europe and the Far East. The Center for Public Policy has been asked to provide information,
research and analysis to Members of Congress, the Federal Executive Branch, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
including humanitarian and human rights organizations.
We have organized numerous research missions and dispatched
research teams and monitors to hot-spots and crisis locations around the globe. We have hosted, cosponsored and
spoken at press conferences, national policy forums, U.S. Congressional forums, U.S. Congressional briefings, national
policy conferences and U.S. Congressional hearings.
The CPPA frequently helps to cosponsor and host events across
the United States and in Washington, D.C. in the U.S. Congress, Library of Congress, Federal Executive branch agencies, universities,
colleges and other venues.
The CPPA's cause is simply to provide the best and most timely research, information
and analysis to the general public and policymakers on key public policy issues, especially those pertaining to national
security and foreign policy issues.
Some 38 million visitors, and counting.
Mission Statement
The Center for Public Policy Analysis (CPPA - or Centre for Public Policy Analysis ) is a Washington, DC-based, non-profit,
research organization and think tank focused on foreign policy, human rights and national security issues. The CPPA provides
in-depth research, education and develops deeper awareness of key public policy issues of concern to national and international
policymakers and the general public.
The Center for Public Policy Analysis is dedicated to research, analysis, education and developing awareness of many
of the key public policy issues of our time. We work with other non-governmental organizations (NGOs), policymakers
as well as the general public to achieve our goals. We have conducted innovative and ground-breaking research and activties
in cooperation with Members of Congress, current and retired Administration and United Nations' officials, international humanitarian
organizations, scholars, experts, educational institutions, students, researchers, advocacy groups and others .
Copyright 1988-2017,
All Rights Reserved, Center for Public Policy Analysis (CPPA
- Centre for Public Policy Analysis ), Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. All Rights
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1988-2017. Center for Public Policy Analysis ( CPPA - Centre for Public Policy Analysis ) . All Rights
Reserved. The Center for Public Policy Analysis (CPPA - or Centre for Public
Policy Analysis) is not responsible for any incorrect or incomplete information (see Terms of Use/User
Agreement). The facts, figures,
reviews, records, stats, and other data presented on this page are for suggestion and information purposes only. Reproduction
in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property are the property of the Center for Public Policy Analysis ( CPPA -
Centre for Public Policy Analysis ), and, or, their respective owners.